Friday, March 28, 2025

Jan 11, 2008


AVENUE is published by AVENUE Inc that manages AVENUE Models, AVENUE Models Academy and AVENUE Studio which has a team of talented fashion photographers and stylists.

Demographics of AVENUE Magazine

- male and female readers
- fashionistas
- home buyers and land owners
- entertainment followers and club goers
- art enthusiasts, associations and galleries
- photography enthusiasts

Distribution : Free to all on a monthly basis via our in-world kiosk, AVENUE groups, subscribomatic, website/blogs, feeds and

Advertising Information

[1] Your ad can be clicked on in our in-world and inline issues to generate an LM/SLURL to your business / store to help increase the effectiveness of your ad and generate traffic to your establishment

[2] Bookings of 3 months and above will receive 10% discount

[3] All advertisers are invited to AVENUE Magazine Readers group where they will be allocated a special role enabling them to send group notices about their events, promotions and new releases.

Ad Submission Details

[1] Submit advertisement via email to:

[2] High quality PNGs of 100 dpi

[3] Provide a click through URL or LM so that readers can click through on your ad to arrive at your store or website.

[4] Ad submission deadline is 20th of the prior month

[5] Late placement fee : Any ad received after the deadline has the option to wait until the next issue or pay the late placement fee of L$5000.

For advertising rates please use this contact form or IM one of the following marketing staff inworld:

☆ Jesika Contepomi (Marketing Director)
☆ Cortney Prieto (Marketing Executive)
☆ Ocean Miami (Marketing Executive)
☆ Laurel Luminos (Marketing Executive)
☆ Blaze Petrov (Marketing Executive)

AVENUE Partner









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