Everyone in Second Life loves the idea of being unique. We often take any opportunity we can to express ourselves in ways that we might be a little hesitant to do in RL. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is through the way we dress.
As a result, tattoos and alternative fashions such as goth, grunge, neko and punk are big business in SL. Additionally, there are several amazing designers out there who thrive in this area. Two of these fascinating designers are featured in the November issue of AVENUE Magazine.

Since 2007, Xion Hack, owner of
Addixion, has been providing Second Life residents with some of the most incredible tattoos and peircings around. However, Addixion, is not just limited to the production of these amazing tattoo designs, it is also responsible for some of the most detailed goth female skins as well as grunge clothing styles for both men and women.
If Xion's artistic flair isn't apparent when you look at his tattoos and fashions, it will be when you venture out to take a look at his amazing SIM which features satellite locations for several well known designers. Simply put, it's gorgeous and worthy of exploration.

Similarly, Arian Voss, the creative force behind
Rebel, is indeed a fashion rebel. He's his own man who designs on his terms with absolutely no deference to style trends. This strategy clearly works for him because he produces some of the most imaginative and unique punk and grunge gear on the grid.
Visit his store and let your imagination run wild as you mix and match the realistically detailed separates to create your own unique look. For those of you who prefer to purchase more complete looks, Rebel offers nicely styled outfits as well.
Learn more about these talented men and their brands in the November issue of
AVENUE Magazine.