photo by Kyrie Source
AVENUE is pleased to present exclusive candid interviews with Boudoir's owners Vitabela Dubrovna & Precious Restless.
Written by Sensuous Soulstar
Part 1: Vitabela Dubrovna brings RL brand Boudoir to Second Life
Part 2: A Moment with Boudoir’s Precious Restless

photo by blackLiquid Tokyoska
It may be labeled as Vita’s Boudoir, but make no mistake, that Boudoir belongs just as much to Precious Restless. While many may be familiar with the namesake of the Second Life® powerhouse known as Vita’s Boudoir, AVENUE is proud to introduce you to a vital name you may not be familiar with, but one that you need to know: Precious Restless. Co-owner of not only the real life Boudoir, but also its Second Life reincarnation, Precious is behind some of the fiercest designs to grace the grid. Join AVENUE in this exclusive interview with the fashion phenomena herself, as we get up close and personal with the designer herself, giving readers a glimpse into one-half of the minds behind the international sensation, Boudoir.
Sensuous Soulstar: This is an incredible honor! Boudoir has some of the fiercest, most creative and unique designs on the grid and it is always a pleasure to get to pick the minds behind that creativity. Now, we’ve already touched on the history of Boudoir, but I want to talk about you as a designer. So, let’s just jump right into it. I'm dying to know what is your definition of "fashion?" What do you think really makes for truly iconic fashion in the real world?
Precious Restless: There is no definition of fashion, so I create my designs to different segments of inspiration. Models are created as the product of various combinations of ideas, starting from the cultural heritage and urban parts of everyday life that surround us. My creations are a reflection of me and my personality which means when you watch my creation, you are actually looking at me and you see what I am; the person hiding in me, like the dark vampire or romantic fairy are all persons who are hiding in me, depending on my emotional mood. The biggest success is when an artist manages to convey their mood and to convey to his or her followers catharsis only. Then we can talk about the cult status of a designer or a piece of clothing.
SS: Now, I'll ask that question again, but specifically for Second Life®. Do you find that there are different standards for fashion here, including the quality of what's accepted? In your personal experience, have you found that it's more difficult to please the fashion community in real life or Second Life®, or is there even a difference?
PR: I absolutely believe that fashion in SL® is completely different from the fashion in real life. Creation in SL® for me is a completely new platform, on which I have absolutely no creative constraints such as in real life, which for me as an artist is very important and I am thrilled by it!
SL®, for me, is a new platform where I can build and exercise my creativity, which helps me greatly in creating real life. When I create, I do not think about selling or profitability of any kind in SL® or in real life. It is important to me to meet my high standards and to create only what I would personally put on, even then only after seeing results.
SS: It amazes me how some truly incredible designers with the most creative and sensual pieces I have ever seen, choose to have a much more conservative style when it comes to the pieces they choose to wear themselves. So I'm curious, tell me about some of the outfits you choose to wear yourself whether in real life or Second Life®. Would you say that your personal style can be categorized, or styled after someone/something?
PR: I am definitely not one of those designers who hide in blue jeans and a black t-shirt. My personal style is usually from my own creations. So, in my private life, I wear glamorous clothes, both in real life and SL®. “Less is more” is definitely not my motto!
SS: I think the inspirations behind designing are so important, so tell me, what inspired you to become a designer in real life, and how did you decide it was time to make that dream happen?
PR: My late grandmother was a famous hat designer and she recognized my sister and my talent for fashion. She decided to direct us toward fashion and to study fashion design. So, I guess you can say that we were involved in fashion from an early age, so I have virtually always been living my dream.

photo by Jurica Sertić
SS: Let’s talk about your sister for a second. When and how did you decide to design with your sister? What roles do each of you play in the day-to-day of Boudoir, and do you have separate designing styles or is every outfit a collaboration between the two of you?
PR: It can be said that the only person who knows me very well is my sister. With our work, no one can usually guess which of the two of us designed something, or see the difference, which means that our artistic sensibility is very similar, almost the same.
SS: Tell me a little about your creative process. Do you have a ritual that you do every time you design a new piece or does an idea just come to mind and you just jot them down as they come?
PR: It depends on who creates. In principle, I don't have any rituals; ideas come by themselves directly out of my head. I do not even draw sketches, but move immediately into the performance. This is great because the original idea that is sketched can block an idea that might come during the creation and make the model a lot better.

photo Mladen Šarić,model Suzana Horvat
SS: How often do you find inspiration for new pieces, and is there any one thing that gives you more inspiration than others?
PR: As I said at the beginning of the interview, my inspiration lies in my feelings and mood. When I create romantic clothes, my friends say that I am unlucky in love, and when I create dark clothes for vampires and dominant women, it probably expresses my power and superiority over men, which means that I am emotionally happy.
SS: I want to thank you for taking the time out to answer these questions, and I always like to leave the readers on a positive note. So with that being said, is there anything as far as advice or a small life lesson that you've experienced as a designer that would help others?
PR: I can only give advice as a woman, not just as a designer. Remember that once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.
SS: So very true indeed. Thank you again for taking the time to talk with AVENUE, and as always, we’re definitely appreciative of your time.
It goes without saying that readers can look forward to yet another amazing upcoming Winter Collection for 2010, as Boudoir never seems to disappoint.