Friday, March 28, 2025

Apr 29, 2011

My Precious Princess' - AVENUE Magazine April 2011

As spring begins to blossom around many of us in different parts of the world, those who are following the annual My Precious Queen Contest can see it continue to bloom and grow. We find ourselves at the midway mark of the first competition of 2011. With January and February behind us, six finalists have already been chosen, and March presents us with three new hopeful contenders that join the journey to the June crowning of My Precious Summer Queen 2011. The winner of this semi-annual contest will have the great honor of representing Agnes Finney's My Precious Design House, a high fashion establishment known for the creation of some of the most elegant and sophisticated gowns and ladies formalwear on the grid.

AVENUE Magazine is delighted to present another round of finalists for My Precious Summer Queen 2011. Read on as we introduce you to the March 2011 finalists: Caoimhe Lionheart, CottonCandy Teardrop, and Elle Ahren.

My Precious Queen Contest
Road to Royalty | Page 140
Written by Xandrah Sciavo
Photography by Natasja Schumann

Read the full issue online at

For regular updates and exclusives from our Couture AVENUE designers, join the AVENUE Magazine Readers Group in-world.

Apr 26, 2011

Artistic Expression - AVENUE Magazine April

The art of expression is in everything we do. From the routine to the extraordinary tasks each day. AVENUE takes pride in discovering, exposing and all around celebrating the artistry that is within Second Life. This month we bring you artistic expression from fashion to fine art.

A Taste of Vintage Chic
Fashion Icon: Squinternet Larnia | page 86
Written by Augusta Carver
Photography by Brie Wonder

When thinking about fashion, most people are reminded of the clothes first, but there are so many different aspects that go along with those…hats, purses, shoes, jewelry, etc. If you have the right pieces to pair with your outfit, they can be used to help define it and make it stand out. Donna Flora designer, Squinternet Larnia has been bringing to life creations which do that and more.

Golden Shopping | page 102
Written, Styled and Photographed by Vixie Rayna

How we move defines who we are. In-world, one must find the animation that best tells their own story; from dances to static poses, GOLden Shopping offers the best selection to define your personality.

Parallel Worlds and Alternate Realities
Interesting Sims | page 166
Written by Isadora Fiddlesticks
Photographed by Ozz Larsson

Imagine yourself on a new planet, far off the known galaxy, where humans and other beings have gathered together to recreate a new kind of Earth: the Farstar New Earth. This is a posthuman society, the home of Cybersurrealism and Asphyxia (Reborn) beings.

Inspriations | page 238
Curated by Paola Tauber
Artwork by Blackmamba, Nur Moo, Carthalis Rossini, Sabbian Paine, Nara Tairov, Petra Messioptra and Emmylin Hastings

No issue of AVENUE would be complete without our inspirations. Curated by AVENUE Magazine Creative Director Paola Tauber, inspiration is what we hope each reader leaves with when they've read to the end. We're continually inspired by the artist within Second Life and they are truly our inspiration for publishing each month.

Read the full issue online at

For regular updates and exclusives from our Couture AVENUE designers, join the AVENUE Magazine Readers Group in-world.

Apr 24, 2011

Spring Fever - AVENUE's April Issue

Spring is finally here, hail to the warm weather and blooming greenery. Clear out your clutter for winter and make room for this seasons hottest trends. AVENUE invites you to read the exclusive interviews and colorful stylings predicting what's hot this season. Say goodbye to bulky layers and get ready to bask in the sun.

Julia Merosi
Cover Article: je suis page 34
Written by Sensuous Soulstar
Photography by blackliquid Tokyoska

While clothes may make the man (or woman) only accessories can make the outfit. But not all accessories are created equal. Take a moment to find out more about the woman behind the name, the brains behind the brand, and the designer behind the quality, Julia Merosi.

Spring Sims
Vignettes page 44
Written, Styled and Photographed by Strawberry Singh

Join Strawberry as she shares some of her favorite places to visit in spring with stunning styles and trends to match.

Love of Fashion
Featured Designer page 68
Written by Augusta Carver
Photgraphed by Ozz Larsson

Innovative, daring, sexy and feminine would be some words used to describe the designs by Mayhem Seetan. Having been in RL fashion for sometime, Mayhem is able to carry her skills into SL and create amazing pieces for her SL brand Azoury. Read this candid interview by Augusta to learn more about the lady behind the brand.

Sherbet Delight
Fun with Fashion page 76
Written, Styled and Photographed by Vixie Rayna

Rev up your wardrobes for spring with colorful additions brought by Vixie Rayna or even sift thru your closet for items that you may already have. Looking for an inexpensive way to get noticed? Vixie will show you how makeup can add that colorful pop for spring.

Trendspotting: Brie Wonder page 94
Written, Styled and Photographed by Brie Wonder

As if spring wasn't already hot enough, take a trip with AVENUE's newest stylist Brie Wonder to Rozwell. On location at one of the US' most contraversial towns, who knows what might show up or even drop out of the sky. Brie shows a few hot trends to watch out for this spring - from highwaist demin shorts, bold colorful prints to bohemian chic.

Read the full issue online at

For regular updates and exclusives from our Couture AVENUE designers, join the AVENUE Magazine Readers Group in-world.

Apr 16, 2011

AVENUE Magazine April 2011

AVENUE Magazine April 2011

Spring is in full bloom. AVENUE Magazine is proud to introduce spring in all it's lovely variations. We celebrate the colorful creativity of designer Julia Merosi of je suis, Fashion Icon Squinternet Larnia, Featured Designer Mayhem Seetan, bursts of colorful-filled stylings from Lulu Jameson, Vixie Rayna, Strawberry Singh and Brie Wonder, and we go into Parallel Worlds, Green Acres and... what is SL without a little controversy from Secondlie Scribe.

May spring, with all it's colorful changes, bring you growth, explorations and delightful discoveries.

Read it online at

For regular updates and exclusives from our Couture AVENUE designers, join the AVENUE Magazine Readers Group in-world.

Apr 1, 2011

The [sYs] Experience . JOIN THE REVOLUTION

The [sYs] Xperience . JOIN THE REVOLUTION


Enter a future cyborg world amidst the mysterious era of inquisition and decadence.

A new intellect arise and an army of cybergenetists develop a virtual revolution that will open the doors to a new world of light.

AVENUE Models is proud to present The [sYs] Experience....

** For safety on the Qor'to space-station all guests of The [sYs] Experience are asked to wear the cyborg outfit provided in the invite. Also for best viewing results please use the windlight settings provided. Invites can be found in-world via AVENUE Magazine Readers Group past notices**

APRIL 2, 2011


For more information please see the official [sYs] Experience press release.

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