Friday, March 28, 2025

Apr 30, 2012

Homme Styles :: AVENUE Magazine April 2012

"Colour Me Bad"
Edge of Style | Page 112
Boe Cortes

"Cadeau Lumineux"
AVENUE Homme | Page 128
Cade Nansen

Read the full issue online at

For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

Femme Styles :: AVENUE Magazine April 2012

miStyle | Page 46
Miaa Rebane

"La Boheme"
Trendspotting | Page 56
Dantelicia Ethaniel

"le couleur influence"
Fashion Forward | Page 68
Diconay Boa

"Springing with Color"
Blogspot | Page 104

Read the full issue online at

For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

Apr 28, 2012

AVENUE Magazine April 2012 Exclusive - Zanze

AVENUE Magazine April 2012 Exclusive - ZanzE

 AVENUE Magazine is proud to introduce ZanzE, the newest hot spot to hit the grid. ZanzE is ready for it's debut as a picturesque sim which features everything from a shopping district, runway, photographic services and club.

Check out this up close and personal interview with ZanzE owner Zzoie Zee, as she takes the grid by storm.

 Read it online

Apr 26, 2012

Rejuvenation :: AVENUE Magazine April 2012


"Boudoir's Rejuvination"
Cover Story | Page 34
Written by: Jesika Contepomi
Photography by: Kallisto Destiny

AVENUE revisits the design house of Boudoir by sisters Vitabela Dubrovna and Precious Restless.  Oh, how the world of fashion has changed for these sisters since our last cover interview in November of 2010.  As stated before, few designers in Second Life® can boast designing success in both worlds. Boudoir happens to be one of the few that can not only boast this, but they have the published success in both worlds to show for it.

"Redefining Sexy"
Fashion Icon | Page 78
Writer: Sensuous Soulstar
Photographer: Blackliquid Tokyoska

There’s always that one dress that’s hidden in the back of your closet. It’s not your everyday dress, and it’s definitely not formalwear. And while it may be all the way in the back, you never forget about “that dress.” You only pull it out for those special times. Because, in the words of Beyonce, it’s your “freakum dress.” And while you may have your favorite designers for certain looks, there’s only one who can bring out the perfect mix of maximum sex appeal with just the right amount of class. You know the name. You know the brand. And you know the feeling that wearing that dress gives you. You feel every bit of the word “sexy.” And you have none other than Eboni Khan to thank for bringing out the Hucci in you.

Featured Designer | Page 86
Writer/Model: Diconay Boa
Photographer/Model: Ozz Larsson

1.the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue.

"The new face of fierce"
Model of the Month | Page 96
Writer: Sensuous Soulstar
Photographer: Annough Lykin

You’ve seen her face. You know her name…even if you still can’t pronounce it correctly. (It’s “Vicky Jay” for those of you who are still having trouble.) But more importantly, you know of her style. A staple in the blogger community, this month’s chosen Model of the Month is a fashion force to be reckoned with. While there is so much to learn, this month, we touch just the surface as we sit down with her to discuss her Second Life® modeling career. Without any further introduction, we present Vikeejeah Xevion.

Read the full issue online at

For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

Apr 18, 2012

AVENUE Magazine April 2012

AVENUE Magazine April 2012

Spring is a time of rebirth, join AVENUE as we let the colors of spring awaken our inner creativity.

Cover Story | Boudoir
Fashion Icon | Eboni Khan
Feature Designer | House of Fox
Model of the Month | Vikeejeah Xevion
DJ of the Month | Summer Deadlight
Featured Artist | Alan Brady

Wishing you a colorful and vibrant April. Spring forth with style and passion!

Read it online @

For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

Mar 29, 2012

The new side of Menswear :: AVENUE Magazine March 2012

"Tied Up"
Fun with Fashion | Page 46
By Vixie Rayna

Androgyny was our theme for March, inspired by the upcoming Menswear Fashion Week 2012. All of AVENUE Magazine columnists were instructed to find their inner androgynous style. I tried to breakdown the idea into the basic theme of a tie.

mi Style | Page 68
By Miaa Rebane

"Andro Man"
Edge of Style | Page 84
By Boe Cortes

Androgynous style is fast becoming a trend in Second Life® fashion with many designers opting to create unisex clothing. Men and women are increasingly becoming more creative in the way they shop by crossing over and branching out into stores opposite to their gender.

"The Unnamed"
AVENUE Homme | Page 76
Model & Stylist: Salvo Waydelich
Photographer: Ozz Larsson

Read the full issue online at

For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

Mar 28, 2012

Fashion ENTENTE :: AVENUE Magazine March 2012

"A fashion Entente"
Cover Story | Page 34
Writter: Augusta Carver
Photographer: by Brie Wonder

Fashion; it is never constant, always evolving and moving forward. And with the creation of Second Life®, there are always new fashions to see and buy for the avatar. The up-and-coming store “Entente” has been drawing lots of attention lately. With multiple designers: Baudouin Resident, Caelestinus Resident, Guarinot Resident, Meraud Resident, Nazaire Resident, and Benezet Resident, there is more than enough creativity to go around. I was able to speak with the group about their new brand and what they expect to accomplish within the SL® fashion industry.

"Styling Adjuncts"
Featured Designer | Page 56
Writer, Stylist, Model: Vixie Rayna
Photographer, Stylist, Model: Miaa Rebane

TheNativeHasReturned (myvegancookbook.bolissima) may just have the most unique name in all of Second Life®. As the owner and designer of Adjunct, and this month’s AVENUE Magazine Featured Designer, he has made geek-style, chic! Take a look as Miaa Rebane and Vixie Rayna showcase how women can add their own spin on classic menswear with a twist!

"Chiaki Xue: Creating expressions of individuality"
Fashion Icon | Page 132
Writer: Sensuous Soulstar
Interpreter: Apollo Call
Photographer: Ozz Larsson

Dura has become a household name. Its creative hair designs for men and women can be spotted on the runway, in the latest issues of magazines, and even on most Second Life® residents on a day-to-day basis. And while you may be quite familiar with the brand, many are not familiar with the humble creators behind the scenes. This month, AVENUE sits down with one half of the creative team, Chiaki Xue, to find out more about how she got her start in the world of hair, and a little more on the history of Dura.

Read the full issue online at

For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

Mar 22, 2012

AVENUE Magazine MWFW 2012 Exclusive

AVENUE Magazine MWFW 2012 Exclusive

Menswear has never looked this good. Join AVENUE as we introduce you to the opening of Menswear Fashion Week 2012.

We are honored to sponsor the event once again this year and look forward to seeing you at the festivities.

Get a sneak peak of what's in store, and a behind the scenes look at some of this year's designers. MWFW 2012 or Bust!

Read it online

Mar 19, 2012

AVENUE Magazine March 2012

AVENUE Magazine March 2012

March is for MEN. With Menswear Fashion Week just around the corner, AVENUE would like to celebrate the much anticipated fashions with a homage to MEN.

We introduce you to the newest design team to hit the grid, Entente, with a candid up close interview on the powerhouse design team.

Join the AVENUE Stylists with their androgynous inspired styles. Featured Designer Adjunct, Fashion Icon Chiaki Xue, Menswear Fashion Week's Lexie Jansma, For the Love of with the Giant Snail Race's Racerx Nitely, DJ of the Month Anubis Darkwatch and Featured Artist Quika Basevi.

Read it online

For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

Feb 14, 2012

AVENUE Magazine February 2012

AVENUE Magazine February 2012

Celebrate a month of love with AVENUE. This month we are proud to honor all those who discovered love in the most unlikely of places here within Second Life. This issue is dedicated to the 2nd anniversary of Blush Skins creators Marie Whitfield and Ymir Coronet and we wish them many more blissful years to come.

Cover Story : Blush Skins
Fashion Icon : Yula Finesmith
Featured Designer : The Sea Hole
Interiors : The Loft
Sports & Recreation : London 2012 Olympics
Featured Artist : Winter Hendes

…and so much more.

Wishing you a loving February,

Read the full issue online at

For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

Jan 31, 2012

MESH :: AVENUE Magazine January 2012

"Maitreya Mesh"
Featured Designer | Page 40
Stylist & Model: Vixie Rayna
Photographer & Model: Miaa Rebane

"Mix Match Mesh"
Edge of Style | Page 86
Writer & Stylist: Boe Cortes

What better way to leap into the new year then the start of a new venture: Mesh!

Mixing and matching mesh clothing for those who haven't tried is a challenge, but well worth a shot.

"Weird at Mesh Mellows: integrating mesh into art"
Arts Feature | Page 212
Writer: Spruce Canning
Photographer: Sophy Meridoc

Mesh is here to stay in Second Life®. It was only a matter of time that the new content creation technology would be integrated into the many of the art works that have been presented on the grid. Claudia222 Jewell’s build, "Weird at the Mesh Mellows" sim does just that.

AVENUE will be presenting the MIX + Mesh Fashion Fair on February 25th...stay tuned.

Read the full issue online at

For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

Jador Re-invented with Mesh :: AVENUE Magazine January 2012

AVENUE Magazine January 2012

"Standing out from the crowd"
Cover | Page 32
Written by Linda Reddevil & Photographed by Asia Rae

Once in awhile, good things can come out of necessity and desperation, and can also end up benefiting the mass majority of people. In fact, these very two things were the driving force behind Ziamela Loon when she began designing her own clothing line, Jador Fashion.

Read the full issue online at

For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

Jan 22, 2012

AVENUE Magazine January 2012

AVENUE Magazine January 2012

With the new year now in full swing what does 2012 have in store? AVENUE is proud to present you with Mesh.

From creative designers to fabulous builders there is no doubt the evolution of mesh will change our second life as we know it.

Cover Story - Ziamela Loon reinvents Jador with Mesh
Featured Designer - Maitreya Mesh
Vinettes - Strawberry Singh . Defectiva
Edge of Style - Boe Cortes . Mix Match Mesh
Arts Feature - Mesh Mellows

AVENUE will be presenting the MIX + Mesh Fashion Fair on February stay tuned.

Read it online at

Jan 1, 2012

Last Look at 2011 - AVENUE's December Issue

Trendspotting | Page 50
Styled, Modeled & Photographed by Brie Wonder

Creating something retro-inspired, intimate and feminine, with a 60s sort of edge to it that showcased some cool under-things...

Winter Styles | Page 68
Styled, Modeled & Photographed by Kallisto Destiny

"Picka Pucka Poncho"
Edge of Style | Page 78
Written, Styled, Modeled & Photographed by Boe Cortes

Ponchos! Yep, that’s right you heard me. Long gone are the days of dressing as a cowboy in order to justify wearing a poncho. For some time now ponchos have been considered a fashion item for the ladies, but not anymore; if you're brave enough to venture out in one, here are a few styles to give you some ideas of how to "man up" a poncho for the winter. Come on lads, lets show the ladies that we can carry off a poncho just as well. So, next time you go shopping, why not "picka pucka poncho" and see what you can come up with.

"Le Rouge et le Noir"
Homme | Page 94
Styled, Modeled and Photographed by Cade Nansen

"Vintage Love"
Fun with Fashion | Page 142
Written, Styled and Photographed by Vixie Rayna
Modeled by Matteo Bettencourt and Vixie Rayna

This season is all about the retro fashion, using classic textures, colors and locations. Vintage Fair 2011 by Chic Management motivated many designers to create unique pieces for the event. Matteo Bettencourt joins me this month, as we find our vintage inspiration. Journey with us to The Mother Road, where you’ll fall in love with the vintage of Second Life®.

"Looking Back"
Inspirations | Page 284
Curated by Paola Tauber

Read these articles and more in the December edition of AVENUE Magazine.


For regular in-world updates, please join AVENUE Magazine Readers group.

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